Saturday, June 20, 2009

6/20/09 Diet

Breakfast: 1/3 Melon, handful almonds
Lunch: ribs, chicken, beef

6/19/09 Diet

Breakfast: Handful of almonds
Lunch: 6 chicken strips, 11 fries, 1 piece of toast
Afternoon snacks: 3 x 40cal organic fruit juice
Dinner: 1/3 lb hamburger patty, cheese
Dessert: 1/3 fudge brownie w/ ice cream
Dinner2: Chicken breast, chili dog (1 bite of the bun)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6/18/09 Diet

Breakfast: Bowl of cooked spinach, handful of cashews

Lunch: Grilled portobello mushrooms, grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, strawberries & melon

Afternoon: 2 Coronas

Dinner: Red, Hot, & Blue 5 meat dinner, bowl of chili

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6/17/09 Diet

Breakfast: 3 egg omelet (w/ spinach, mushrooms, onion, cheese, tomatoes)

Lunch: Hamburger (2 meat patties only, cheese, vegetables), hot dog, corn/onion salad

Evening Snack: Polish dog (1 bit of the bun, relish, cheese, onion, pickle), 2 pieces grilled chicken breast

Dessert: Bowl of fruit

Dinner: Grilled chicken, bowl of cooked spinach

6/16/09 Diet

Breakfast: Handful of almonds, 4 oz organic fruit juice, bowl of cooked spinach

Lunch: .66 lb fresh, grilled lamb

Dinner: Bowl of lentils, bowl of cooked spinach, 1/2 bowl of cooked vegetables/green peas

Dessert: (I know this is bad) 1/3 cheese cake w/ heavy (home made), whipped cream, 1 cupcake w/ icing,

Monday, June 15, 2009

6/15/09 Diet

Breakfast: Breakfast sausage, omelet (with vegetables, cheese, sausage, spinach, etc)
Lunch: BBQ sausage, pecan-crusted chicken, grilled broccoli
Afternoon snack: Grilled asparagus, grilled chicken
Post-workout: Smoothie (Orange juice, apple juice, pineapple, banana, strawberries, whey protein, soy protein)
Dinner: Red Hot & Blue 5-meat sampler leftovers, 1 slice pepperjack cheese


The Chief

As Many Rounds As Possible in 3 Minutes:

  • 3 Power Cleans (135# men, 95# women)
  • 6 Push-Ups
  • 9 Squats

Round 1: 2 + 2 cleans
Round 2: 2 + 1 clean
Round 3: 2
Round 4: 1 + 3 cleans, 6 push-ups, 6 squats
Round 5: 2

Sunday, June 14, 2009

6/14/09 Diet

Breakfast: Bowl of fruit (strawberries, melon, pineapple)
Lunch: 6 strips of chicken (fried), 6 fries
Dinner: Red Hot & Blue 5 meat sampler (turkey, sausage, ribs, chicken, pulled pork), chili, 4 sweet potato fries
Snack: Bowl of fruit (strawberries, melon, pineapple)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

6/13/09 Diet

Breakfast: Bowl of fruit, chicken
Lunch: Beef Strogonaoff soup (did not eat potatoes), salad, 1/2 slice of pizza, 1 piece grilled chicken, 3 bites of linguine alfredo, 1 bite of cake
Afternoon snack: Handful mixed nuts
Dinner: Grilled asparagus, grilled broccoli, grilled chicken

6/12/09 Diet Cheat Day

6/11/09 Diet


Clean and Jerk

Heavy Single

Rest 5-10 minutes

165 (can clean, almost jerk)

Heavy single: 155 (need to work on getting underneath the bar faster)

8 x 2 @ 105 lbs (need to go 10 lbs heavier next time)

6/10/09 Diet



Tabata Deadlift

Men, 225 pounds

Round 1: 6
Round 2: 5
Round 3: 3
Round 4: 2 (started to severely arch back, form went to complete shit)
Round 5: 4 (switched to 135 lbs)
Round 6: 4
Round 7: 4
Round 8: 5

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6/09/09 Diet

Pre-workout: handful unsalted, natural almonds and 4 oz organic fruit juice (40 kcal)

Post-workout: EAS protein shake

Breakfast: 2.5 eggs w/ cheese, mixed fruit, 1/2 bowl strawberries

Lunch: Jamba juice smoothie (soy milk, acai juice, strawberries, bananas, whey protein, soy protein)

Afternoon snack: 1/2 Muscle Milk

Evening snack: 1 chicken breast, steamed vegetables (zucchini, squash, broccoli), black olives, some type of seed

Evening snack: 1/2 Muscle Milk

Dinner: Burger (w/ cheese, no buns), chili w/ cheese and onions


Overhead Squat

3 x 45
3 x 65
3 x 75
3 x 95
3 x 105
1 x 115, 0 x 115 (couldn't hold it)

Failure point wrists
Ass to heels every time

Monday, June 8, 2009

Diet 6/8/09

Breakfast: Chick-fil-a nuggets (8 count), fruit bowl

Lunch: 1/2 lb 80/20 burger (patty only) w/ bacon & cheese, 1 bowl of Indian food (vegetables, tofu), handful cashews

Post-workout: Smoothie (pineapple, banana, coconut, almonds, whey)

Dinner: 1/3 lb baked chicken in curry paste, 1/4 small watermelon



5 rounds, for time:

20 Pull-Ups

30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Air Squats

    Rest precisely 3 minutes between each round.

    Post time for each round and total time to comments.

    Round 1: 3:42
    Round 2: 5:24
    Round 3: 6:32
    Round 4: 6:21
    Round 5: 6:16

    Total: 28:15 (or 42:15 w/ rest)


    Pull-ups, using widest band, getting easier but still difficult, only able to do 9 reps round 4, 7 reps round 5
    Push-ups, on knees
    Sit-ups, difficulty after 15 or so, had to jerk up and rest between reps
    Air Squats, quadriceps still sore from last week, after 20 or so, become difficult

    Sunday, June 7, 2009



    5 Rounds for Time:

    • 400m Run
    • 15 Overhead Squats (95# men, 65# women)


    Run's exhausting, 45 lb bar

    (failure point still endurance and wrists)
    (started to lose form last round)


    "rest day"

    rolled out, active stretching, went to evening class and worked on snatch form (especially full hip extension)

    (exhausted, need to rest, quadriceps still not fully recovered. Rolling out daily)


    6 rounds, for lowest time:

    100m Sprint

    1st round: 14:34 (fastest)

    6th round: 16:38 (slowest)

    (exhausted, quadriceps hurt)

    (need to work on initial acceleration, stay loose)


    "Fight Gone Bad"

    Three rounds of:

    Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 foot target (Reps)
    Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
    Box Jump, 20 inch box (Reps)
    Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
    Row (Calories)

    Round 1
    Wall-ball: 20
    SDLHP: 12
    Box jump: 16
    Push-press: 4 (75 lb, too heavy)
    Row: 14

    Round 2
    Wall-ball: 12
    SDLHP: 13
    Box jump: 14
    Push-press: 10 (45 lbs)
    Row: 12

    Round 3
    Wall-ball: 12
    SDLHP: 14
    Box jump: 12
    Push-press: 10

    (data recalled from memory, 95% accurate)



    For Time:

    150 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball

    cut off after 8:30

    134 w/ 14 pound ball

    (came straight after previous evening WOTD, 12 hour shift, no sleep, poor diet)
    (completely exhausted)




    295 (lost form, not completely shit, but still acceptable)
    310 (form went to shit, failure after 30 seconds, unable to lift)
    (did not attempt 7th set)

    PR is 315

    Bad diet, poor rest night before


    Power Clean


    Rest 3-5 minutes

    115 x 3
    135 x 3
    155 x 2
    155 x 1, 135 x 3

    (mental game, did another round of 135 x 5 without difficulty; need to work on full hip extension)

    Three rounds, for time:

    100m shuttle run



    Back Squat


    After each single, complete 3 box jumps, as high as possible.

    High back, full dip (actually touched my ass to my heels)

    185 x 1, 3 x 30"
    190 x 1, 3 x 30" (squat difficult)
    195 x 1, 3 x 30" + red plate (squat difficult)
    200 x 0, 195 x 0, 3 X 30" + 2 red plates (unable to complete squat)
    185 x 1, 3 x 30" + 2 red plates + 1 yellow plate (barely made the last jump)

    Rest 5-7 minutes
    Knees to Elbows
    Clapping Push-ups


    leg raise substitute
    instead of clapping push-ups, started with knee clapping push-ups, ended with knee pushups


    Heavy Helen

    400m Run
    21 Kettle Bell Swings @ 2pood
    12 Pullups, Chest to Bar


    Run is still exhausting
    1st time to kettle bell swing; 1 pood kettle bell
    Pull-ups with green and skinny tan band

    Failure point is wrists, burning after second round; difficult to do pull-ups


    Shoulder Press 5 x 5

    2 x 95 (decrease weight)
    5 x 85
    4 x 85, 1 x 85
    5 x 85
    5 x 85

    1 x 95 (for kicks, tried another set... didn't get far)